Ba Zi is a Chinese astrological system based on individual’s time, date, month and year of birth. It is an extremely accurate method used to understand ourselves and our interactions with the environment, family members, friends and others who cross our path.
Ba Zi is the optimal tool to help us reach our full potential.
By understanding our strengths and weaknesses we can optimise our life choices and actions.
Maša is a Ba Zi Master, holding an extensive training of the highest level on the subject. Her Master title was awarded to her
by her teacher, Grand Master Chan Kun Wah, after his close observation of her skills.
Ba Zi is an incredible tool to guide you in the right direction. Reveal your talents, determine the most suitable living environment, career, understand where your wealth potential is, fine tune relations with family and friends and even recognise the best time to get married or meet a partner - those are some of the areas that can be addressed through Ba Zi. Not only will you understand why some things are happening to you, additionally you will recognise the best period and challenging times coming towards your way.
Knowing your Ba Zi is the secret tool to unleash your highest potential.
Working with clients on their Ba Zi reading, Maša will construct and explain in detail a birth chart in order to recognise the individual’s challenges. She will focus on the solutions and answer your key questions or areas of interest. Valuable advice will be offered on how to deal with problematic areas in life, as well as how to prosper and balance a person's life.
Maša often makes Ba Zi consultations for clients who were born in the Southern hemisphere. The approach to construct such a horoscope is different, as the energy moves in opposite direction as opposed to the Northern hemisphere.
This is one of her specialties.
Maša frequently uses Ba Zi for businesses. It can be used as part of human resource tool, to select the right employee or delegate tasks. It turns out to be very valuable for management positions, putting teams together and selecting
the key employees/staff for any type of business.
“Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.” J.P. Morgan